Monday, October 18, 2010


Hello everyone,

This is the official blog of Sinatti Pop.  You may be asking yourself "WTF is a Sinatti Pop?"  By following this blog, you will eventually find out.  Below is an introduction to "The Making of..." project.

Sinatti Pop

 Sinatti Pop is a rapper from Pottstown Pennsylvania, a suburb of Philadelphia.  Currently, Sinatti Pop is finishing his first album, "The Making of..." which will be available for free download early next year.  He is continually making music, so keep checking his Youtube for new collabs.  Also, a few singles from his album will be released early with music videos, so keep your eyes out for these early releases.

The Team

Working behind the scenes we have Chris Glakas, Pat Nunez, and myself (Heath Schneibolk).  Together, we are able to help Sinatti Pop get his music to his audience.

Chris is in charge of media relations.  Not only does he create most of Sinatti Pop's videos,but he is also working on a documentary that will follow Sinatti Pop as he finishes his album and releases it to the world.  With his creativity, he is able to capture the work that really goes behind making a hit album and the work it takes for an independent artist to get discovered.

Pat is the workhorse behind "The Making of..." project. Whatever needs to be finished, he gets it done.  His expertise include repairs, off the wall ideas, and hard work.  Without Pat, we would never get to events on time, meet our deadlines, or be as organized as we are.  He also contributes greatly to our creative process, coming up with off the wall ideas that always "might just work" but in the end, become a great success.

Heath Schneibolk
My duties are basically coordination.  I contact and speak with all promoters, booking agents, as well as help create marketing strategies.  In conjunction with Chris and Pat, my ideas are put into action, and help create an organized plan of action.

Shout Outs
Sam Lemberg

Things to Look Out For
Everybody Know My Name music video
Kiss The Sky music Video

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